We got the van back this past Monday (after it being in the shop for 12 days this final time) and we're ready to pack it up and move on with the summer....just in time for Phoenix's infamous 110+ temps (last week we had a day or two of 114-115 degrees). We are being told our monsoons (rain and dust) are ready to roll in the first of the week.
We leave Saturday morning early and our first stop will be in Idyllwild, CA. If you've never been there it is a lovely town tucked up in the mountains west of Palm Springs. We use to pack the kids up and go camping there. This time we will be spending 2 days in a cabin with all the amenities, relaxing and enjoying the cooler temps. We will be visiting with friends in the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area while there. Then we'll be off to beat the holiday (4th of July) traffic through Los Angeles...and visit hub's sister and brother-in-law in Thousand Oaks and then my brother who lives in the Ventura area. We'll be spending a couple of days hanging around the streets of Solvang and enjoying one of my favorite little towns in California....wonderful Danish shops and, of course, lots of delicious eating of Danish pastries!
I'll chat about our times in these places as we go through the week. As we continue our trip I'll keep you all updated as to where we are, who we are visiting, and what we are up to. Pray for us as we start our travels.
This is the route we will be taking....
('K' on the map is our start and finish points)