Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 26 - 27 Albuquerque, New Mexico

Saturday was a quiet day - we slept in and took it easy most of the morning and then we drove around Albuquerque checking out the sights.  The afternoon was nap time and then time to catch up on TV watching.  It was a fairly warm day but nothing compared to the 115 of Phoenix.  Tonight we went to an IHOP just up the street from us.  They give a 20% discount discount, which was a nice bonus!  As I type this it is looking like we may get some rain tonight and the wind is blowing which is cooling down the air immensely.

A small Baptist church is within walking distance of the campground and our plans are to go there before heading out of town.  After church we will leave for Flagstaff where we may or may not spend a couple days.  We are close to home now - just 400 +/- miles...we really don't want to end the trip but we know that we have to get home someday.  The good part about going home is within a few days of arriving home we plan to continue on to southern California where we will visit family and friends we have not seen in a long time.  We also plan to drive up to Solvang.  So just because this phase of our trip is almost over don't let that stop you from checking out this will continue as we travel when possible.

Some interesting pics from our trip (more pictures on tomorrow's blog)

Friends @ North Pole, Colorado

Mount Rushmore

Family in Appleton Wisconsin

Bed and Breakfast in Goshen, Indianana

Beauty in Streetsboro, Ohio

Family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
A Somber Time @ 9/11 Memorial

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Arlington National Cementary, Washington DC

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