Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 18 - Musings as We Wind Down

What a whirlwind it has been.  Although we thought we planned it for a good 3 months +. we are now discovering we will probably be home by mid-August at the latest....maybe somehow we can stretch it out to the 30th but it looks unlikely.  We've visited with friends/relatives for so long that I'm sure some of them have felt we wore out our welcome.  We've done a lot of 1, 2, 3 night stays in KOA's so we could see parts of the country where relatives/friends did not live.  We've also stayed a night or two at Holiday Inns.  We're headed tomorrow to our friends in Kansas City where we will spend several days  After that it will be a slow trip home.  We have mixed feelings about ending this but it's been an awesome time and we are looking forward to getting back to normal....just wish it would cool off in Phoenix before we get there.......110 temps do not appeal to us.

And although the 110+ temps and monsoons/haboobs/rain) does not appeal to us it's much better than the humidity we've discovered in the east, south and mid-west!  Our few nice days - weather-wise - were in Joplin Missouri.  We had cool temps (cool enough for a light jacket) and drizzling rain.

Our next stop is good friends in Kansas where we plan to stay until Thursday....we always have such a good time with these friends we have no doubt it will be more fun and laughter.

Some pictures from various places....

Phone Booth in Ohio
KOA in Sheppardsville Kentucky

Fireworks in Georgia

Sunflowers in Kentucky


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