Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 27 - 28 - One Full Month

7:30am on June 23 sun rising over our cabin

It's hard to believe it's been FOUR full weeks since we left on this dream trip. From our original plans several things have changed.  Our original plans had us meeting up in Minnesota, with a cousin and a special friend of ours from Las Vegas,  alas neither of these get togethers took place - how does the saying go?  "The best made plans of mice and men."  Although we put church at tht top of our list every Sunday, 3x in June it did not work out - hubby was sick this weekend and the other 2 Sundays we missed just didn't work. Another glitch has been one not so great place to stay, that coupled with thunderstorms and mosquitoes made for a not so lovely night.  On the whole the trip has been, friends, and even new family/friends make the trip the blessing it is.....Some of the new family are Hazel, Aiden (never before seen great-niece and great-nephew); Seth and Izzy (grandkids of our very good friends in VA).  Plus their mother (Grace) wife of our friend's son.

The one time we did get to church was with our friends in VA....this was a wonderful, historic church which wa originally started in the 1700s. Read about it at their website

We are currently spending a few days in a KOA near Anderson, South Carolina....we drove into Anderson one day and will do so again today....upon our first trip to 'town' we discovered a movie theatre and hubs will be checking out the inside of it today. While he is doing that I will look for a place to get my hair cut it's been over a month!!

Tree/Bush growing near our cabin

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