Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 9 - Just Chillin' and Enjoyin'

Monday we spent most of the day just chillin' and resting up from our long drive Sunday.  We went to Perkin's for breakfast (man, I wish they had these in Arizona), did some grocery shopping, re-evaluated our trip schedule and mad a couple small changes.  And then we had a wonderful home cooked meal provided by my sis and brother in law.  We will leave here on Friday for Wisconsin and see our Foster-son and his children while there.  Saturday we'll head to Indiana....where we have some special places we want to visit.

Pictures taken from the windows of my Sister and Brother-in-Laws beautiful condo.
A View from the Balcony
Another View from the Balcony

One more View from the Balcony

1 comment:

  1. This post should have gone up early in the morning of June 3....I had some brain loss and forgot. Sorry about that!
